Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cherries in Winter by Suzan Colon (#2)

This is a lovely book, like a warm steamy bath on a cold winter day. The author explores her family's history and how those before her survived hard times by living simply and economically. She faces the loss of her own executive level job and learns to live in a new way: cutting back on all the luxuries that she and her husband had grown to enjoy.

1 comment:

Fabulous, Never Better said...

Hi Jovilla,
And thank you so much for your sweet review of my book! I'm so grateful to you for taking the time to read it, and to share about it with your blog readers. I wrote the book for my mother, who gets such a kick out of seeing people's reviews of it online. I'll be sure to show her your blog.
Thanks again for making my day!
All the best,
Suzan Colón
Author of "Cherries in Winter"